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Cisco CCNP ENCOR 350-401 Gold Bootcamp
01. Welcome
Introduction (0:51)
The Cisco Certification Path (6:21)
How to Make the Most of This Course (6:55)
02. How to Set Up the Lab
Introduction (4:53)
Cisco CML Installation Notes and FAQ
CML Cisco Modeling Labs Installation (19:01)
How to Use the CML Lab Exercises (12:34)
Cisco Packet Tracer Installation Notes and FAQ
Cisco Packet Tracer Installation (5:22)
How to Use the Packet Tracer Lab Exercises (5:23)
03. Routing Fundamentals Review
Introduction (0:43)
Connected and Local Routes (6:22)
Connected and Local Routes Lab Demo (6:13)
Static Routes (6:12)
Static Routes Lab Demo (10:05)
Summarisation, Longest Prefix Match, and Default Routes (9:50)
Summary Routes and Longest Prefix Match Lab Demo (12:19)
Default Routes and Load Balancing Lab Demo (11:39)
Routing Fundamentals Configuration - Lab Exercises
Routing Fundamentals Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Routing Fundamentals Quiz
04. Dynamic Routing Protocols Review
Introduction (1:32)
Dynamic Routing Protocols vs Static Routes (10:06)
Dynamic Routing Protocols Lab Demo (7:18)
Routing Protocol Types (7:04)
Routing Protocol Types Lab Demo (6:52)
Routing Protocol Metrics (14:58)
Routing Protocol Metrics Lab Demo (15:00)
Equal Cost Multi Path (4:23)
Equal Cost Multi Path Lab Demo (10:58)
Administrative Distance (10:07)
Administrative Distance Lab Demo (8:25)
Loopback Interfaces (8:53)
Adjacencies and Passive Interfaces (7:12)
Adjacencies and Passive Interfaces Lab Demo (6:32)
Route Precedence (22:23)
Dynamic Routing Protocols Lab Exercises
Dynamic Routing Protocols Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Dynamic Routing Protocols Quiz
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
Introduction (1:03)
EIGRP Characteristics (8:34)
Basic EIGRP Configuration (9:36)
EIGRP Verification and Lab Demo (6:24)
EIGRP Advanced Configuration (9:31)
EIGRP Advanced Configuration Lab Demo (11:18)
EIGRP Named Mode Configuration (8:12)
EIGRP Named Mode Configuration Lab Demo (18:43)
EIGRP Neighbor Discovery (18:23)
EIGRP Operations (13:30)
EIGRP Metric Calculation (19:37)
Influencing EIGRP Path Selection (17:24)
EIGRP Wide Metrics (9:19)
Split Horizon (12:59)
DUAL and Feasibility (44:55)
EIGRP Convergence (16:49)
EIGRP DUAL Lab Demo (12:56)
EIGRP Load Balancing (14:20)
EIGRP Load Balancing Lab Demo (4:47)
EIGRP Configuration Lab Exercise
EIGRP Troubleshooting Lab Exercise
OSPF Open Shortest Path First Fundamentals Review
Introduction (1:33)
OSPF Characteristics (6:09)
OSPF Basic Configuration (11:10)
OSPF Basic Configuration Lab Demo (4:39)
OSPF Advanced Topics (7:15)
OSPF Advanced Topics Lab Demo (7:18)
OSPF Areas (14:18)
OSPF Areas Lab Demo (11:06)
Bandwidth vs Clock Rate and Speed (5:11)
OSPF Cost Metric (14:24)
OSPF Cost Metric Lab Demo (7:59)
OSPF Adjacencies (17:15)
OSPF DR and BDR Designated Routers (10:15)
OSPF DR and BDR Designated Routers Lab Demo (13:12)
OSPF Lab Exercises
OSPF Fundamentals Quiz
Advanced OSPF
Introduction (0:56)
OSPF Network Types (20:52)
OSPF LSA Link State Advertisements (30:15)
OSPF LSA Lab Demo (26:56)
OSPF and EIGRP Comparison (9:22)
Advanced OSPF Configuration Lab Exercise
Advanced OSPF Troubleshooting Lab Exercise
Advanced OSPF Quiz
IPv6 Routing
Introduction (1:19)
IPv6 Static Routes (13:36)
IPv6 Static Routes Lab Demo (17:44)
OSPFv3 (10:03)
OSPFv3 Verification and New LSA Types (15:43)
OSPFv3 Lab Demo (11:32)
OSPFv3 Address Family Configuration (18:29)
OSPFv3 Address Families Lab Demo (15:03)
EIGRP for IPv6 (5:48)
EIGRP for IPv6 Verification (6:17)
EIGRP for IPv6 Lab Demo (7:03)
EIGRP IPv6 Named Mode Lab Demo (7:35)
IPv6 Routing Configuration Lab Exercise
IPv6 Routing Troubleshooting Lab Exercise
IPv6 Routing Quiz
ACLs Access Control Lists Review
Introduction (2:53)
Access Control Lists Overview (4:29)
Standard, Extended and Named ACLs (10:42)
ACL Syntax (10:11)
ACL Operations (15:20)
Numbered ACLs Lab Demo (14:03)
Named ACLs Lab Demo (10:23)
ACL Configuration - Lab Exercises
ACL Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
ACLs - Access Control Lists Quiz
Route Filtering
Introduction (2:08)
Route Filtering Overview (21:25)
Route Filtering with ACLs and Distribute Lists (26:49)
Route Filtering with ACLs and Distribute Lists Lab Demo (40:11)
Route Filtering with Prefix Lists and Distribute Lists (18:54)
Route Filtering with Prefix Lists and Distribute Lists Lab Demo (18:43)
Route Filtering with Route Maps and Distribute Lists (37:29)
Route Filtering with Route Maps and Distribute Lists Lab Demo (18:57)
OSPF Route Filtering (14:26)
OSPF Route Filtering Lab Demo (19:18)
Route Filtering - IGPs Lab Exercises
Route Filtering - OSPF Lab Exercises
Route Filtering Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Route Filtering Quiz
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
Introduction (1:53)
The Need for BGP (19:26)
BGP Route Propagation (14:11)
BGP for Enterprises (17:17)
BGP Characteristics (5:46)
iBGP Neighbors (24:34)
eBGP Neighbors (23:22)
BGP Adjacencies (9:53)
BGP Neighbors Lab Demo (31:57)
Advertising Routes in BGP (19:41)
Advertising Routes in BGP Lab Demo (25:16)
BGP Path Selection Overview (16:59)
BGP AS Path (18:22)
BGP Origin (6:03)
Applying BGP Policy (28:23)
BGP Weight (11:38)
BGP Weight Lab Demo (17:42)
BGP Local Preference (18:58)
BGP Local Preference Lab Demo (17:20)
BGP MED Multi Exit Discriminator (28:46)
BGP MED Lab Demo (21:35)
AS Path Prepending (17:28)
AS Path Prepending Lab Demo (18:21)
BGP Route Filtering Overview (30:40)
AS Path Filtering and RegEx (31:41)
BGP Filtering - Preventing Transit (21:58)
BGP Filtering - Internet Routes Subset (25:30)
BGP Filtering with ACLs and Prefix Lists Lab Demo (25:49)
BGP AS Path Filtering Lab Demo (31:48)
BGP Well Known Communities (18:52)
Private BGP Communities (29:52)
BGP Communities Lab Demo (29:33)
BGP IPv6 Neighbors and Address Families (31:53)
BGP for IPv6 Lab Demo (36:18)
BGP Path Attribute Categories (11:46)
BGP Configuration - Lab Exercises
BGP Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
BGP Quiz
Introduction (1:57)
Multicast Overview (20:17)
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol (27:27)
IGMP Snooping (18:24)
IGMP Lab Demo (21:06)
PIM and RPF Loop Prevention (22:25)
PIM Dense Mode (28:13)
PIM Dense Mode Lab Demo (29:39)
PIM Sparse Mode (34:44)
PIM Sparse Mode Lab Demo (25:00)
AutoRP (21:34)
AutoRP Lab Demo (17:30)
BSR BootStrap Router (15:51)
BSR Lab Demo (9:04)
Bidirectional PIM (10:46)
BiDirectional PIM Lab Demo (16:36)
SSM Source Specific Multicast (6:55)
SSM Lab Demo (7:50)
Multicast Configuration - Lab Exercises
Multicast Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Multicast Quiz
VLANs Virtual Local Area Networks Review
Introduction (1:03)
Why We Have VLANs (9:51)
VLAN Access Ports (6:56)
VLAN Access Ports Lab Demo (8:21)
VLAN Trunk Ports (15:46)
VLAN Trunk Ports Lab Demo (13:28)
DTP Dynamic Trunking Protocol (5:36)
VTP VLAN Trunking Protocol (7:46)
VTP Lab Demo (10:21)
VLAN Lab Exercises
Inter-VLAN Routing Review
Introduction (1:11)
Router with Separate Interfaces (11:40)
Router on a Stick (11:33)
Layer 3 Switch (8:10)
Layer 3 Switch Lab Demo (9:23)
VLAN and Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration - Lab Exercises
VLAN and Inter-VLAN Routing Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Inter-VLAN Routing Quiz
HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol Review
Introduction (1:04)
Network Redundancy (8:50)
FHRP First Hop Redundancy Protocols (7:09)
HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol (9:12)
HSRP Advanced Topics (11:07)
HSRP Lab Exercises
Advanced FHRP First Hop Redundancy Protocols
Introduction (1:35)
HSRP Operations (15:56)
HSRP Lab Demo (22:51)
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (12:09)
VRRP Lab Demo (15:06)
HSRP and VRRP Object Tracking (17:11)
HSRP and VRRP Object Tracking Lab Demo (20:44)
GLBP Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (38:34)
GLBP Lab Demo (21:54)
GLBP Object Tracking (19:41)
GLBP Object Tracking Lab Demo (21:27)
Advanced FHRP Configuration - Lab Exercises
Advanced FHRP Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
STP Spanning Tree Protocol Fundamentals Review
Introduction (1:37)
Layer 3 Path Selection and Loop Prevention Review (11:31)
Why we have the Spanning Tree Protocol (12:42)
Spanning Tree Terminology - The Bridge (3:20)
How Spanning Tree Works (34:15)
Spanning Tree Versions (11:39)
Verification - show spanning-tree (13:09)
Verification - show mac address-table (5:23)
Manipulating the Root Bridge Election (10:18)
Spanning Tree and HSRP Alignment (6:56)
Portfast, BPDU Guard and Root Guard (16:07)
Portfast and BPDU Guard Lab Demo (12:22)
Root Guard Lab Demo (16:03)
STP Lab Exercises
STP Fundamentals Quiz
Advanced 802.1D and PVST+ Spanning Tree
Introduction (2:03)
BPDU Filter (6:42)
Spanning Tree Versions Review (8:44)
STP BPDU Format (24:06)
STP Version Interoperability (18:18)
The Root Bridge Election (8:14)
Manipulating STP Port Selection (25:58)
802.1D and PVST+ Convergence Overview (25:52)
STP Timers (27:21)
TCN Topology Change Notification (19:16)
PVST+ Direct Link Failure Example (11:55)
PVST+ Indirect Link Failure Example (19:45)
PVST+ Root Bridge Failure Example (10:35)
UplinkFast (25:02)
Backbone Fast (17:51)
Loop Guard (21:43)
UDLD Unidirectional Link Detection (9:22)
Advanced PVST+ Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Advanced PVST+ Configuration - Lab Exercises
Advanced 802.1D and PVST+ Spanning Tree Quiz
RSTP and RPVST+ Spanning Tree
Introduction (1:41)
RSTP and RPVST+ Overview (23:07)
RSTP Proposal/Agreement Sync Mechanism (16:58)
RSTP Topology Change Notification (28:42)
RSTP Timers (9:47)
RSTP Direct Link Failure Convergence (16:59)
RSTP Indirect Link Failure Convergence (19:51)
802.1D Topology Change Notification Example (22:10)
RSTP Topology Change Notification Example (33:06)
RSTP Backup Ports (19:04)
RPVST+ Configuration - Lab Exercises
RPVST+ Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
RSTP and RPVST+ Spanning Tree Quiz
MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
Introduction (1:15)
MSTP Overview (13:05)
MSTP Configuration (44:17)
Common MSTP Issues (29:20)
MSTP Single Region Configuration Lab Demo (57:04)
Why We Have MSTP Regions (15:16)
Reasons to Configure MSTP Regions (26:12)
MSTP Multi Region Operation (51:30)
Multi Region MSTP Topology Example (27:21)
MSTP Regions Review - IST, CST, CIST and MSTIs (38:37)
MSTP Multi Region Lab Demo (52:52)
MSTP Interoperability with PVST Simulation (71:04)
MSTP PVST Simulation Lab Demo - MSTP Root (62:06)
MSTP PVST Simulation Lab Demo - PVST Root (30:01)
MSTP Configuration - Lab Exercises
MSTP Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises (Coming Soon)
MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol Quiz
EtherChannel Review
Introduction (1:35)
Why we have EtherChannel (8:38)
EtherChannel Load Balancing (4:39)
EtherChannel Protocols and Configuration (10:21)
EtherChannel Lab Demo (12:59)
StackWise, VSS and vPC (8:17)
Layer 3 EtherChannel (6:29)
EtherChannel Quiz
Advanced Layer 2 Protocol Configuration - Recording Now
Introduction (uploaded) (0:36)
Advanced LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Advanced LACP Lab Demo
Advanced VTP VLAN Trunking Protocol (uploaded) (34:18)
Advanced VTP v1 Lab Demo (uploaded) (21:53)
Advanced VTP v3 Lab Demo (uploaded) (33:17)
Advanced Layer 2 Protocol Configuration - Lab Exercises
Advanced Layer 2 Protocol Troubleshooting - Lab Exercises
Advanced Layer 2 Protocol Configuration Quiz
Campus Network Design - Coming Soon
Switch and Router Packet Forwarding
Security Threat Landscape - Coming Soon
CoPP Control Plane Policing - Coming Soon
VPN Virtual Private Networks and GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation - Coming Soon
NAT Network Address Translation - Coming Soon
Cisco Device Security - Coming Soon
Network Management - Coming Soon
Network Analysis and Troubleshooting - Coming Soon
QoS Quality of Service - Coming Soon
Virtualization - Coming Soon
Wireless Networking - Coming Soon
Network Automation and Programmability - Coming Soon
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Advanced VTP v3 Lab Demo (uploaded)
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